From our friends in the Diocese of Altoona:
On Sunday, Oct 30, a SOLEMN High Mass will be celebrated at Queen of Peace (in PATTON, PA) at 11 AM in honor of the Feast of Christ the King. This highly ceremonial Mass features three sacred ministers—priest, deacon, and subdeacon—as well as master of ceremonies, thurifer, acolytes, and torchbearers. Some of you may recall that we celebrated a Solemn High Mass once before, in Feb 2010. These two liturgies are probably the first Solemn High Latin Masses celebrated in the diocese in several decades!
ALSO ... the liturgy will feature the Juniata College Concert Choir singing a 16th century Mass by Palestrina entitled Aeterna Christi Munera (“Eternal Gifts of Christ”). Gregorian Chant and other sacred music will be sung as well.
This is one liturgy you won't want to miss!
A "potluck" buffet luncheon will be held in the church hall immediately following the Mass. Those who come are requested to bring a covered dish.